If your dentist recommends that you should have your teeth pulled, then there is no need to panic. Tooth extraction may be recommended if the dentist finds that the tooth is beyond the point of repair or if the tooth is overcrowded. Tooth extraction may also be performed for various other reasons.
What is tooth extraction?
A tooth extraction procedure removes teeth from their socket in the bone. An extraction may be necessary to prevent the infection from spreading further. Some common reasons for a tooth extraction include infection that has reached deep into the teeth, an injury, lack of enough space for all the teeth within the mouth, and eruption of permanent teeth prevented due to the baby teeth not falling on time. Similarly, certain orthodontic treatments may also require tooth extraction that helps create room for the teeth. Wisdom teeth extraction is also a common procedure in which the teeth are extracted before or after they come in.
Why is oral health so important?
Good oral health prevents other diseases
A healthy mouth is more likely to have good overall health. Maintaining good oral health can prevent the emergence of other diseases. Gum disease, swollen gums, mouth ulcers and dry mouth, if left untreated, could impact your overall health. According to some recent studies, conditions such as gum disease could lead to heart disease and stroke.
Dental health is important for pregnant women
Pregnant women with gum disease risk reproducing a baby with a lower birth weight. The babies can also be born preterm due to gum disease.
Affects the digestion process
The chemical and physical processes within the mouth have a crucial role in our digestion process. Problems with the mouth could lead to health problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal failure, etc.
Poor oral health may result in pain
Oral pain is a common symptom that has been reported among those who have poor dental health. It happens when the gums become infected. The infected gums may not be able to support the teeth, thus leading to tooth loss.
Poor dental health can be fatal
Dental problems such as gum disease could lead to heart disease, damage to the respiratory system, stroke, etc.
Oral infections can lead to tooth loss
If left untreated, inflammation of gums, such as gingivitis, could develop into a more serious dental problem such as periodontitis which can lead to tooth loss.
What are the reasons for tooth extraction?
Your dentist will try to save your natural tooth as much as possible. However, in some scenarios where your teeth have been damaged beyond the point of repair, they may recommend a tooth extraction.
Some of the reasons include;
- Infection or tooth decay that has reached deep into the tooth.
- Your mouth needs more space to accommodate all of the teeth. Thus, some teeth cause discomfort.
- Trauma or injury to a tooth.
- Delay in falling off of the baby teeth, thus hindering the eruption of permanent teeth.
- Certain orthodontic treatments may demand tooth extraction to create room for the teeth whenever the teeth begin to move into their place.
- The dentist may perform wisdom teeth extraction before or after the teeth have erupted.
What are the treatments included in a tooth extraction?
The tooth extraction procedure includes a preparation process and an extraction process. The dentist will thoroughly check your medical and dental history, etc., during consultation. The dentist will take x-rays to know the teeth’ length, shape and position and surrounding bone. Thus the dentist will decide whether a tooth extraction procedure is required or not. The tooth extraction procedure can be classified into two types: simple extraction and surgical extraction.
The extraction of teeth visible in the mouth is simple. The dentist will numb the teeth and gum tissue before loosening the teeth using an instrument called an elevator. Finally, dental forceps will be used to remove the teeth. An oral surgeon will perform oral surgery such as a surgical extraction, usually performed whenever a tooth is broken off at the gum line, or the tooth has not come into the mouth yet. An incision will be made in the gum to remove the underlying tooth.
What care should we take after tooth extraction?
Once the tooth extraction is completed, the dentist will provide a detailed list of post-surgical instructions. These instructions need to be followed to ensure a speedy recovery.
Extraction Site
Use an antimicrobial mouthwash for gently rinsing the area where tooth extraction was performed. The procedure must be continued at least two to three times a day. You should avoid brushing the extraction site until your dentist tells you to do so. However, you can brush and floss other areas normally.
You will have to take antibiotics and pain relievers as prescribed by your dentist. You should check with your dentist about when you can resume your normal activities, including daily routine exercises. You must skip strenuous activities for the first 48 hours to 72 hours after completion of the tooth extraction procedure.
Regular dental visits, early treatment of dental issues and root canals can help you avoid tooth extraction. Ensure you get the right treatment instead of ignoring treatment or dental visits.