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What Happens to Your Teeth When You Drink Cold Water?

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Blog

We’ve all heard the phrase “cold water on a hot day”, but what about cold water and your teeth? Does it really have an impact on them? Is it true that drinking cold water can hurt your teeth? Let’s take a look at the science behind cold water and your teeth and find out if there is any truth to this age-old question. 

Can Cold Water Damage Teeth? 

The short answer is no, drinking cold water does not directly damage your teeth. However, with that being said, there are some indirect ways that cold water can have a negative impact on your oral health. The most common culprit here is acid erosion. Acidic drinks like soda, sports drinks, and citrus juice can wear away the enamel of your teeth over time. When these acidic liquids are consumed at a colder temperature, you may feel an uncomfortable sensation in your mouth because of the rapid temperature change. This discomfort is usually only temporary but in some cases, the enamel erosion caused by these drinks can cause lasting damage. So while drinking cold water won’t harm your teeth directly, it may worsen existing enamel issues if you already have them.  

Dental Health Tips for Cold Water Drinkers 

If you do enjoy drinking cold beverages (especially those with high acidity levels), there are several steps you can take to help protect your teeth from further damage: 

1) Brush twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste – Fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel which can help protect against acid erosion caused by acidic beverages.

2) Rinse with warm saltwater – Rinsing with warm salt water after eating or drinking anything acidic can help neutralize the acid in your mouth and reduce its damaging effects on your tooth enamel.

3) Use a straw – When drinking an acidic beverage like soda or energy drinks through a straw, less contact is made between the liquid and your teeth which will reduce its damaging effects as well as lessen any uncomfortable sensations caused by temperature changes.

4) Visit Your Dentist Regularly – Visiting your dentist regularly for checkups will help ensure that any potential issues related to acid erosion are caught early before they become more serious problems. 


To conclude, while drinking cold water does not directly damage our teeth, it can be potentially harmful if we already have weakened tooth enamel due to acidic beverages or other factors. If you do enjoy consuming cold beverages (particularly those with high levels of acidity), taking extra steps such as brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste using a straw when possible and visiting your dentist regularly will go a long way towards ensuring optimal dental health!


1. Does cold water hurt your teeth? 

Cold water can cause discomfort to your teeth if the temperature is too cold. Some people might even experience a sharp pain when drinking cold water. However, this should not cause any lasting harm to your teeth and it does not mean you have a dental problem.

2. Is it bad for your teeth to drink cold water? 

Drinking cold water should not have any adverse effects on your teeth, as long as the temperature is not too extreme. Some studies suggest that drinking cold water can help reduce tooth sensitivity because it relieves inflammation in the gums.

3. Can drinking icy cold water damage your teeth? 

Generally speaking, drinking icy cold water should not damage your teeth. However, for those with sensitive teeth or exposed roots, extreme temperatures can cause discomfort or even increase the risk of tooth decay if consumed frequently. It is best to avoid consuming large amounts of extremely cold or hot beverages to protect your oral health.